When Mr. Hawkins was a young teen, after years of Scouting in Boy Scout of America. He was associated with the Jaycees or Junior Chamber community of young active citizens ages 18-40 via the Boys Club of Tempe, AZ known as the Ladmo Branch – Tempe and at the time it was only boys. Ladmo was the one who found that Mr. Hawkins “Kameron” as a very young community leader organizer, planning events and had fully developed skill to enhance membership development in any organization Mr. Hawkins was associated. He was too young to join the Jaycees, but Gov. John “Jack” R. Williams used his skills of organization and development from 1970 to 1974 many organized group events throughout Arizona.
Mr. Hawkins was already an associate and or member of the following in his youth before serving our country in the United State Navy: Arizona Historical Society, When Mr. Hawkins came back to Tempe, AZ from his years in the USN it was 1987 and he started to assist and support even many more non-profits. Starting with the Tempe Chamber of Commerce, Tempe Convention and Visitors Bureau, Tempe High School Alumni —– He was 16 yrs old when he joined Junior Achievement and became the President of his chapter in his Senior year of High School, the only year he was a member of Junior Achievement. His High School, Tempe High, AZ didn’t have Junior Achievement. So he went of the Scottsdale High, AZ and became a President with two VP’s and twelve managers overseeing 40 high school students from a school he wasn’t rolled in.
By the time Mr. Hawkins was out of High School in 1981 he was consulting with Candidates running for office in Arizona. Assisting Edward Jones Investments in development and retention skills for their agents on a national level at 17 yrs. old.
Arizona was Mr. Hawkins home state from 3rd grade until he signed up and went in the US Navy at 20 yrs. old. The years from 1970 until 1982 with many adventures throughout Arizona with family and friends. Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Alaska along with his travels in Central and South America he took on his own. It not hard to say he developed unlimited contacts and relationships from around the World. Mr. Hawkins came back to Arizona when his services of duty in the US Navy had ended. (Active 1983-1987 and Reserves 1987-1997)

By 1991 he was number 4 in the World for media, with 26 newspapers Nationwide, 16 magazines Internationally and associated with over 200 plus Radio and TV stations Worldwide. He was known for uplifting and empowering journalism and stories as well as bring together some amazing fundraising events. He was the one behind the support for online circulations and subscriptions. Focused more on membership-based businesses and proving the benefits behind the goals of retention based businesses, corporations and organizations. “When you want to retain a customer, let them know they are a customer before they become one. Retention, starts with customer service and then goods/services and the support of the goals and objectives of your customers business relationship has truly begun.” Mr. M. Kameron Hawkins opening Speech and Debate as Junior Achievement President his senior year in 1981 Arizona.
Retiring in Nevada in the year 2012, Mr. Hawkins focused on three main topics. 1. His media family worldwide and how to bring his millions of contacts in over 160 plus counties together to assist and support those in Nevada, his new and last home. 2. His cigar company and 3. His passion for adventure.

Now after making his foundation, Mr. Hawkins is a candidate for Governor of Nevada. Mr. Hawkins is not seeking donations and is not using any of the service his foundation provides. Mr. Hawkins with his lifetime of working with others by using is Hands, Mind and Face-to-Face, Leadership and Development Skills are now being offered to serve you as your Governor of Nevada. He has always been known to get things done. Right is right and wrong is always wrong.

Mr. M. Kameron Hawkins being interviewed by the media

Jul 30, 2021 — Following Gov. Sisolak’s announcement that he will be reinstating the mask mandate due to the surging coronavirus cases, dozens of people…
Anti-mask protest breaks out at Nevada State Capitol by Abigail Vaerewyck
Friday, July 30th 2021 – Aired on News 3 (NBC) in Las Vegas, Nevada
When Mr. Hawkins moved to Nevada in 2012, he focused only on Nevadan’s needs by staying focused on everyone of our local 17-counties goals and objectives from a Community, Statewide, Nation and Worldwide point of view.
In 2022 Mr. Hawkins was a Candidate for the position of Lieutenant Governor of Nevada. Mr. Hawkins didn’t win this race did come 6th out of 29 men and women.
In 2023 Mr. Hawkins did announce at the Carson City Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner his is running for Governor of Nevada 2026.
By 2024 Mr. Hawkins became the Founder & Chairman as well as the Editor-in-cheif of all 17 Nevada County and 4 Statewide along with 4 Specialty magazines under the Nevada Lifestyle – www.NevadaLifestyle.com brand and owned by the M. Kameron Hawkins Foundation, Inc., Non-profit. All of these publications are both in perfect bound print and online in a pdf format with active website links for every artical and advertising to enhance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and overall internet exposure.
To enhance our communities Mr. Hawkins started the development of Nevada Events – www.Nevada.events as a location for posting unlimited Nevada Events at no cost or fees.
“The Republican Golf Classic 2024 will be only held in Washoe County, NV (Reno-Sparks)” said Mr. Hawkins.
Mr. Hawkins stated that the Republican Golf Classic will be held in Northen and Southern Nevada’s as well as 7 othe states and counting for 2026.
2024 Leaders and Candidates became a PAC. This PAC supports Republican Leaders and Candidates running for office and keeping them in office as needed.
“Golfers donate more than any other group of business professionals and enjoy doing so.” – M. Kameron Hawkins
One of our services is the Republican Golf Classic golf fundraising events. Do take part in any of our www.RepublicanGolfClassic.com golf fundraising events throughout our State of Nevada… Proceed go to Republican Leaders and Candidates…
On 12.01.2023 Mr. Hawkins spending most of his life assisiting others with their goals and objectives decided to make a Non-profit in his name to keep his passon moving on under the M. Kameron Hawkins Foundation, Inc. Non-profit with his/their Flagship publication the Nevada Outdoors Magazine with a online readership of over 6+ million in over 160+ countries along with his media family of Nevada Lifestyle magazines a group of publications dedicated to showcasing our State of Nevada to others Worldwide. (Slow Travel Lifestyle and Hospitality)